The 26 most effective time management techniques

The right time management technique can really help you boost your productivity. Here are the 26 most effective (and most popular) time management techniques you can start practicing to improve your productivity.

Time management technique time management techniques illustration

What are time management techniques?

Time management itself revolves around choices — you decide what you need to do, when you need to finish, and what tasks you need to tackle in order to reach your goals.

If you choose to make high-value, goal-oriented tasks a priority, finish them before the deadline, but also leave time for leading a healthy life, you'll be able to say that you've managed your time successfully. But how do you do that?

Well, by using the right time management techniques.

Time management techniques are a set of rules and principles you need to follow in order to be more productive and efficient with your time, make better and faster decisions, as well as accomplish more in less time and with less effort.

There are plenty of time management techniques based on approved time management best practices:

Most time management techniques deal with one or more of the listed points, and you can make the choice for your time management techniques by looking over what you want to improve in your routine.

Apart from that, you'll also need to consider the time management skills you need to improve and your personal time management style. Moreover, you can choose particular time management techniques for work, so that you better organize your workdays, too.

Time management skills

Effective time management skills include:

In order to improve your time management efforts, you'll need to practice these skills.

Apart from the benefits of managing time at work better, efficient time management is also a vital skill for students.

Here are the most crucial time management strategies for students:

Why a time tracker is a great tool for students and teachers

Time management styles

Not all time management techniques are suitable for everyone — we don't all work the same, so we don't all face the same time management issues. Everyone has a prevailing time management method of dealing with work, i.e. a time management style, one that brings its own time management issues - if you think about it, you may find that you're a:

Let’s review each time management style in more detail.

Time Martyr

You fill your schedules with requests from others, instead of focusing on what's important to you. Your own tasks feel like too much responsibility, so you jump at the chance to take on anything else - you gain validation from others, but neglect the tasks that would bring you self-validation.

Issues: multitasking, missed deadlines, ineffective scheduling, skipping breaks


Time Martyrs at least tackle other people's tasks — Procrastinators delay work on everything remotely important to anyone. Some claim they work better under pressure, but the results they get are often dampened by the stress and anxiety this practice brings.

Issues: missed deadlines, ineffective scheduling, multitasking


Your heart's in the right place, but you're easily distracted. A random request from a colleague is as likely to catch your fleeting attention as is a 20-minute phone call from your proprietor.

Issues: multitasking, missed deadlines, ineffective scheduling


You estimate that handling a task will take you much less than it actually does — you rarely live up to your optimistic deadlines.

Issues: missed deadlines, ineffective scheduling


You try to tackle everything on your own, right now — you're constantly putting out "fires" left and right, and don't feel fulfilled unless you're working on 10 tasks at once, and feeling "busy". Once you're done with that, you simply ask: "What's next?" — which is a practice that will lead you to burnout, sooner or later.

Issues: missed deadlines, skipping breaks, ineffective scheduling


You're similar to the procrastinator and distractor, but your inability to finish a task at least has a noble cause — you want everything to be perfect. You'll work overtime, and invest all your efforts into delivering a high-quality project — but you often don't know how to quit while you're ahead, so you may miss your deadlines and risk burnout.

Issues: missed deadlines, skipping breaks

All the issues listed alongside your time management styles can be solved, and all the necessary time management skills can be perfected, if you only choose the right time management techniques.

Best time management techniques

Which technique is best to help you manage time better?

That depends mostly on your needs — whether you need to organize your work time, study time, or track your goals.

In the following section, we covered the 26 most effective time management strategies you can try.


You parse your work into 25-minute work sessions (pomodoros), and 5-minute breaks. After 4 cycles, you take a 20-minute break.

Developed by Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro technique got its name after the Pomodoro-shaped kitchen timer Francesco used to track progress in his work.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Pomodoro works

  1. Set your timer for 25 minutes.
  2. Focus on your work during these 25 minutes.
  3. Stop as soon as the alarm goes off.
  4. Take a 5-minute break.
  5. Resume work for another 25 minutes after the break.
  6. After four 25/5 minute cycles, take a 20-minute break.
  7. Repeat the process until finished with task or project.
Time management technique Pomodoro

For this purpose, you can try the Pomodoro Timer in Clockify, or learn more about how to start using Pomodoro.

Advantages of Pomodoro
Disadvantages of Pomodoro

You have to stop working once the 25 minutes run out — If you're doing particularly well, this is counterproductive.

Following fixed intervals — the prescribed 25/5 minute sessions may not work for you.


A visual time management technique that helps you follow the progress with your projects — you track how the tasks move across differently labeled columns.

This technique was adopted in the 1960s in Japan by Taiichi Ono, for Toyota Automotive, to help increase their productivity, and effectiveness in manufacture.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Kanban works

You can use project management software, a pen and paper, or a whiteboard and sticky notes.

Determine the number of stages in your project or task, and create the columns. For example, you can create four columns, and move tasks within a project across these stages:

Time management technique kanban
Advantages of Kanban
Disadvantages of Kanban

Getting Things Done

A five-step method that allows you to brainstorm your tasks, and make them into a straightforward to-do list.

Getting Things Done (GTD) was introduced by David Allen in his book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity.

How I learned to get things done

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Getting Things Done works

  1. Capture — note every task that springs to mind.
  2. Clarify — determine whether the task is actionable and whether it has concrete steps you can lay out and follow.
  3. Organize — file tasks under different labels, and provide them with context (eg. home, office, request from Tom).
  4. Reflect — from time to time, review your tasks: What is the next step for the task? Do you really need to finish it this week?
  5. Engage — once you have noted, identified as actionable, properly filed, and reviewed your tasks, simply start working on them.

Advantages of Getting Things Done
Disadvantages of Getting Things Done

Eat that Frog

This time management technique is aimed at prioritizing tasks. You pick out your most important, or worst task (this is your "frog"), and tackle it first thing tomorrow. Once you have finished with your "frog", you can move on to other tasks for the day, but not before.

This may be a task that requires all your attention (due to its importance or difficulty), one that you've been avoiding (because it's boring, demanding or difficult).

The "Eat that Frog" premise was developed by Brian Tracy, in his book Eat that Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time..

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Eat that frog works

You have to identify tasks based on their priority, and label them accordingly:

Time management technique Eat that Frog time management technique
Advantages of Eat that frog
Disadvantages of Eat that frog


You allocate time periods (timeboxes) to activities; you work within this time period, and then stop once the set time runs out. Timeboxing often includes fixed deadlines, so it's used in project management.

Timeboxing works as a more general approach to the Pomodoro technique — instead of 25-minute sessions (timeboxes), the period of time within a timebox isn't as fixed.

James Martin was the first to explain the technique in more detail, in one of the chapters of his book Rapid Application Development.

Timeboxing — The complete guide

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How timeboxing works

  1. Lay out all your activities and tasks on a list.
  2. Decide what you want to accomplish with these tasks — define your goals
  3. If a task is important and requires great focus, allocate a longer time period to it (for example, 1 or 2 hours).
  4. If it's a difficult task, parse it, and allocate shorter time periods (for example, 20-30 minutes) to parts of it, to make the task easier to manage.
  5. Start from your first task, and work your way down.
  6. When the allocated time for a task is up, stop working on it.
  7. Take a break.
  8. Review what you've managed to accomplish.
  9. Turn your attention to other time boxes in your schedule.
Time management technique Time boxing
Advantages of timeboxing
Disadvantages of timeboxing

Time blocking

You block out time for a specific activity or task and work on it during this time period.

This time management technique was made popular by Elon Musk.

The ultimate time blocking guide (+ time blocking apps)

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How time blocking works

There are 4 stages to Time Blocking:

  1. The planning stage:
    • Define your tasks and activities, identify priorities
  2. The blocking stage:
    • Assign each task with a specific time block — number of minutes or hours, with specific days, start and end times noted in your calendar.
    • The time block can be shorter, for example, 10 minutes, or longer, for example, 90 minutes. This depends on the priority level of the task.
    • Block more time for priority tasks; also, allocate these tasks to the time of day when you're the most productive.
    • Block your less productive time of the day for less important tasks.
    • Note everything in a calendar: the day, the start time, and the end time.
  3. The acting stage:
    • Start working on the first daily task (usually your priority task).
    • Work your way down your schedule.
    • Take breaks between time blocks, and schedule these breaks.
    • Hold a flexible view on your time blocking schedule: if you receive an urgent task, block an appropriate amount of time for it, and start working on it as soon as possible.
  4. The revision stage:
    • If you see a task takes longer or shorter than you estimated, revise the schedule for other tasks you've planned for that day.
Time blocking app Time management technique time blocking in Google calendar
Advantages of time blocking
Disadvantages of time blocking


This is an approach for managing your email inbox — you aim at keeping your email inbox empty, or close to empty.

The approach was developed by Merlin Mann, an expert in the field of productivity.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Inbox-Zero works

To reach inbox zero, you have to:

How to manage email productivity: Tips from Patty Kreamer, a professional organizer Time management technique inbox zero
Advantages of Inbox-Zero
Disadvantages of Inbox-Zero

Who's Got the Monkey

The emphasis of this method is on delegating tasks and is mostly aimed at project managers, though others can make use of it as well. Monkeys are tasks, and you have to consider how to deal with them.

There are 3 types of "monkeys" and managed time:

You aim to eliminate subordinate-imposed time, control system and boss-imposed time, and increase discretionary time.

The principle is based on William Oncken's book Managing Management Time: Who's Got the Monkey..

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Who’s Got The Monkey works

  1. Recognize and describe the "monkey" — specify what the task is, and what actions are needed for its completion./li>
  2. Assign the "monkey" — allocate the "monkey" to a person.
  3. Insure the "monkey" — Make sure the person handles the "monkey" appropriately:
    • If a monkey is important and allows no mistakes, then you should recommend what should be done and act if needed.
    • If you're certain the person assigned with the monkey can handle it, act and then provide advice.
  4. Checking on the "monkey" — Specify when you'll provide follow-up for the monkey, to make sure everything is on track.
Time management technique who's got the monkey
Advantages of Who’s Got the Monkey
Disadvantages of Who’s Got the Monkey

Action Method


The Action Method is based on the premise that everything is a project: you view all your activities as projects, parse, and manage them accordingly. These projects can be:

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Action Method work

When using the Action Method, you organize your activities, tasks, and events as a project. Then, you parse your activities into three categories:

Time management technique action method Plaky
Advantages of Action Method
Disadvantages of Action Method

The Eisenhower Matrix

A time management technique in which tasks are prioritized is known as the Eisenhower Matrix — this technique is based on labeling each task as: important / not important, and urgent / not urgent.

You assess the tasks according to their importance and urgency and tackle them in relation to this.

The Eisenhower Matrix is named after the American president Eisenhower, who was known for productivity during his time in Office.

How can Eisenhower matrix improve your time management

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How the Eisenhower Matrix works

List all your tasks, and divide them into 4 quadrants:

Advantages of the Eisenhower Matrix
Disadvantages of the Eisenhower Matrix Present bias: how to overcome it to pursue your future goals

Biological Prime Time

Your Biological Prime Time is the time of day when you have the highest energy levels, so you're most likely to be productive with your work.

Once you determine your biological prime time, you'll be able to allocate your most important, priority tasks to this time.

The term "Biological Prime Time" was first introduced by Sam Carpenter in his book Work the System.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Biological Prime Time works

Time management technique Biological prime time
Advantages of Biological Prime Time
Disadvantages of Biological Prime Time

The Productivity Journal

The Productivity Journal is somewhat similar to a regular journal, only you don't note in your personal thoughts in it, you mostly note in your actions — activities you can complete and later reflect on.

This technique is versatile in the actions you note in, so you can:

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How the Productivity Journal works

  1. Each day, define your to-do list in a notebook, or appropriate software — keep the items simple, clear and achievable.
  2. Track the amount of time it takes you to finish each item — you can use Clockify for this purpose and store items from your to-do list as time entries.
  3. Analyze your time results and tweak your future to-do lists accordingly.
  4. For more details, you can also:
    • Self-rate your productivity for each item on a scale from 1 to 10.
    • Make a list of distractions (social media, YouTube, your phone), so you'll be more likely to avoid them.
    • Break each item on your to-do list into smaller, more manageable tasks.
    • In addition to tasks, set goals you wish to accomplish with these tasks or groups of tasks.
  5. Reflect on your day, by jotting down comments on:
    • What tasks you've accomplished with success
    • What issues you've encountered
    • Whether you were able to overcome them
Time management technique Productivity journal in Clockify
Advantages of the Productivity Journal
Disadvantages of the Productivity Journal

The Seinfeld Method

A specific calendar system claimed to be inspired by Jerry Seinfeld's productivity quote: "Don't break the chain".

Each day you work on a skill, you mark that day with red, and form a chain of "red" days. If you don't work for a day, you don't mark it with red, and you "break the chain".

Don’t Break the Chain: a productivity technique for building good habits

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How the Seinfeld method works

For example, you want to improve your coding skills:

  1. You get a red marker and a big calendar, one that shows all the days in the year.
  2. Each day you code, even for a short time period, you mark that day with the red marker.
  3. The days marked red continue to grow as you continue coding each day, and they form a chain.
  4. If you miss a day of coding, you don't mark that day with red, and you "break the chain".
  5. Code each day so you "don't break the chain".
Time management technique Seinfeld method calendar"
Advantages of the Seinfeld Method
Disadvantages of the Seinfeld Method

The 10-Minute Rule

You tell yourself you'll work on a task for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes are up, you determine whether you'll stop or keep going.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How the 10-Minute rule works

  1. Select a task.
  2. Start working on it immediately.
  3. After ten minutes have passed, reflect on your focus and patience: do you want to stop working on the task, or do you wish to continue for 10 minutes more?
  4. Work for 10-minute time periods until you want to stop working on this task for the day.
Time management technique the 10-minute rule"
Advantages of the 10-Minute rule
Disadvantages of the 10-Minute rule

To-Done List

Instead of listing what you need to do, you list your accomplishment and the tasks you've finished so far, within a certain time period.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How To-Done list works

  1. At the end of each work week, take 10-15 minutes to note down everything you've accomplished.
  2. Next to each item include what you've learned while working on it.
  3. Also for each item, note what you could do differently next time, to improve your results.

Advantages of To-Done list .
Disadvantages of To-Done list

To-Don't List

A contrast to the classical To-do List — you list all the tasks and activities you won't do.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How To-Don’t list works

  1. You make a list before each workday.
  2. Note in all the tasks, ideas, and habits you'll aim NOT to do, or think about.
  3. These can be distractions, overly ambitious ideas you objectively have no time to work on or bad habits you want to quit.
  4. Include the word "Don't" in front of each listed item.
  5. Cross over each item at the end of the day if you've managed to avoid it.
Time management technique To-Don't list
Advantages of To-Don’t list
Disadvantages of To-Don’t list

Flowtime Technique

You set a specific time period, between 10-90 minutes, and use it as an experimental timeframe for your work. If you find that you can focus after the time period has expired, you continue working. If you find you cannot focus anymore, take a break.

Flowtime technique stems from the Pomodoro technique, but it's less rigid in terms of time for work sessions and breaks. It's also similar to the Timeboxing technique, only you're encouraged to consider whether you'll continue working once the time has expired, not forced to stop.

Flowtime was developed by a software engineer, Dionatan Moura, in 2015.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Flowtime technique works

With a preset number of minutes for your initial work session:

  1. Select a task.
  2. Decide to work for a certain amount of time (for example, 30 minutes), and set the timer.
  3. You work until the timer stops.
  4. Then, you consider whether you can focus on the task for some minutes more. For example, if you find you can focus for 10 minutes more, set the alarm to 10 minutes.
  5. When the 10 minutes expire, ask yourself whether you can maintain focus for more time.
  6. At any point, when a given time period expires (after the 30 minutes, or after the additional 10 minutes) if you find you can't focus any longer, take a break.

You can start the timer in Clockify as soon as you start working. Stop the timer, to see how much time you've spent on this work session. When you feel you need a break, stop working

ETime management technique Flowtime method
Advantages of Flowtime technique
Disadvantages of Flowtime technique

Top Goal

You identify your most important goal and allocate time each day to work on it specifically.

Greg McKeown was the one who clarified the concept in his book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Top Goal works

  1. You pick your Top Goal.
  2. Schedule 2 hours to work on it every day.
  3. It's best that you schedule these 2 hours for the early time of day, when most people are asleep, to make sure no one interrupts you.
  4. Stick to the schedule.
  5. Avoid social media, YouTube, and other distractions during this time.
  6. Only work on your Top Goal during these 2 hours.
  7. Leave the rest of the day for other activities.
Time management technique Top goal
Advantages of Top goal
Disadvantages of Top goal

Pareto Analysis

The Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created this technique.

The gist of the Pareto Analysis (also known as the 80/20 rule) is that 20% of our actions are responsible for 80% of outcomes.

The idea is to find your key activities — the 20% ones that make a difference — and focus on them. This way, you’ll be able to achieve as much as 80% of your desired outcomes.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Pareto Analysis works

  1. First, note down all the problems you are facing. For example, you can't seem to finish your tasks on time.
  2. Next, find the cause of this problem. You may discover that you get easily distracted while working, which is why you don’t complete tasks before the deadline. So, what are these interruptions? Do you get distracted by social media or because you’re chatting with colleagues?
  3. Then, assign a score (a number) to each problem — give higher numbers to more important problems. For example, you can use numbers from 1 to 10 to assign a score to your issues. Your most important problems should be labeled with the number 10, and your least important issues should be labeled with the number 1.
  4. Next, batch your problems by cause. For instance, group all your problems caused by spending too much time chatting with colleagues.
  5. Then, assign a score to each group of problems. The groups with the highest score are the ones you need to solve first.
  6. Get to work.
Time management technique Pareto analysis
Advantages of Pareto Analysis
Disadvantages of Pareto Analysis

Rapid Planning Method (RPM)

One of the best time management techniques is also the Rapid Planning Method (RPM). The acronym RPM also stands for “result, purpose, and massive action plan”.

This time management technique was created by motivational speaker Tony Robbins.

The idea behind this method is to train your brain to envision what you want in order to make it real.

In general, this technique is practical for setting long-term goals.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Rapid Planning Method works

  1. Capture — First, note down all the assignments you need to complete this week. Be realistic — write down from 5 to 9 tasks for the week.
  2. Chunk — Group similar tasks together. You can use categories such as “Work tasks”, “Non-work tasks”, “Career”, “Health”, etc.
  3. Make your own RPM blocks. Remember to focus on your most important area and create an RPM block for it. Let’s say that this week, you’d like to focus on “Career”. Use a piece of paper, and create three columns:
    • Results: Think about the results you’d like to accomplish in this area. Let’s say you want to improve your copywriting skills.
    • Purpose: Why do you want to achieve this result? For example, you want to enhance your copywriting skills because you’d like to apply for a copywriter job.
    • Massive Action plan: Then, think about the activities that will help you complete the task and achieve desired results. In this case, you can find relevant copywriting courses and finish 1 course by the end of the month.
    • Next, create another RPM block for your “Non-work tasks” and other categories for this week.
  4. Take action.
  5. Review your work by questioning yourself:
    • Did I follow all the steps from my massive action plan?
    • Did my purpose act as a motivation to help me achieve desired results?
    • Did I accomplish desired results?
Time management technique Rapid Planning Method
Advantages of Rapid Planning Method
Disadvantages of Rapid Planning Method

Pickle Jar Theory

If you’re searching for some practical time management techniques for work, the Pickle Jar Theory might be a great fit for you.

The key advantage of using the Pickle Jar Theory is that it allows you to differentiate useful from unuseful tasks in your schedule.

This way, you’ll be able to set priorities clearly and plan your assignments.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Pickle Jar Theory works

The goal of this technique is to imagine a jar that contains sand, pebbles, and rocks. The rocks are at the top, while the sand is at the bottom.

Here’s the meaning of each element:

So, when planning your day, think about your tasks:

  1. Categorize them by importance — figure out which ones are rocks, pebbles, and sand.
  2. Next, make a to-do list by focusing on rocks first since these are your most significant assignments for the day.
  3. Make sure to write down time estimates for each task. The total amount of time should be up to 8 hours.
  4. Then, if you still have some time to tackle your tasks from “the pebbles” and “the sand” categories, now is the time to complete them.
Time management technique Pickle Jar Theory
Advantages of Pickle Jar Theory
Disadvantages of Pickle Jar Theory The pickle jar theory in time management

Deep Work

The Deep Work method is a popular technique created by Cal Newport, the author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.

According to Newport, deep work includes “…professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limit”.

In general, these assignments improve your skills and create value.

During deep work, you should avoid any distractions.

How to engage in Deep Work and achieve your goals

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How Deep Work works

Newport separates deep work from shallow work, which can be defined as less demanding activities — for example, attending meetings and answering emails.

In general, you can perform shallow work even when you’re distracted, which is not the case with deep work.

Here’s how to apply the Deep Work method:

Advantages of Deep Work
Disadvantages of Deep Work

ABCDE method

In his book How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life, Alan Lakein talks about the ABCDE method.

Thanks to this technique, you can learn to prioritize your tasks better and finish them before the deadline.

The ABCDE method is similar to the Eisenhower Matrix — but, unlike the latter, the ABCDE technique doesn’t categorize tasks by urgency.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How ABCDE method works

When using this technique, you should organize your assignments into five categories by their importance:

This way, you’ll find it easier to prioritize assignments and activities.

Start by tackling the tasks from the A and B categories first, then continue with other groups.

Time management technique ABCDE method
Advantages of ABCDE method
Disadvantages of ABCDE method

1-3-5 Rule

The 1-3-5 Rule is a technique that helps you manage your tasks.

The idea behind this method is that every workday, you need to focus your attention on:

Once you complete your big task, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment, which will motivate you to continue.

At the same time, medium tasks allow you to progress with your larger projects.

Finally, little tasks are easy to complete, so they’ll also inspire you to move forward.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How 1-3-5 Rule works

As we mentioned earlier, you need to categorize your assignments into three groups.

Here’s how you can plan your day with the 1-3-5 Rule:

Advantages of 1-3-5 Rule
Disadvantages of 1-3-5 Rule

POSEC method

This method was created by Steven Lam, the author of The Posec Method of Time Management. The POSEC method stands for:

This technique is rooted in Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs.

The gist of this theory is that there are five types of needs you have to satisfy, and their order of importance is:

  1. Physiological needs — the need for water, food, shelter, etc.
  2. Safety needs — our need to protect ourselves from physical danger
  3. Social needs — the need to belong to a social group
  4. Esteem needs — our need to retain our self-esteem and self-respect
  5. Self-actualization needs — the need to actualize our potential.
Time management technique POSEC method

According to Maslow's theory, to fulfill your secondary needs (i.e. safety), you first need to take care of your primary needs (i.e. physiological). The same applies to the rest of Maslow's pyramid — to achieve your self-actualization needs, you can't skip any steps along the way.

The POSEC method relies on a similar hierarchy:

  1. Prioritizing — goals and time
  2. Organizing — family and finances
  3. Streamlining — work and chores
  4. Economizing — hobbies and socializing
  5. Contributing — social obligations

For example, to be able to dedicate quality time to your family, you first need to commit to achieving your personal goals.

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

Motivation guide: How to get and stay motivated

How POSEC method works

Here’s how to use the POSEC technique:

Advantages of POSEC method
Disadvantages of POSEC method

BoJo — The bullet journal

The bullet journal (BoJo) is a method developed by Ryder Carroll — a digital product designer.

According to the creator of this method, the BoJo method helps you:

With the bullet journal, you can organize your:

Time management skills it improves:

Issues it solves:

How the bullet journal works

To try the bullet journal method, you’ll need a pen and notebook.

The BoJo contains these components:

Here’s how to fill this journal out:

Now, if you have some very important tasks, you can note down an S (Signifier) next to them. That way, you’ll know these are your priorities.

At the end of each month, you should review your tasks. For instance, you can delete some tasks, or migrate some assignments from your Daily log to a new Monthly log.

Advantages of the bullet journal
Disadvantages of the bullet journal