Cristiana Caserta

How Clockify helped Book Advisor Cristiana Caserta make more accurate project estimates.

Cristiana Caserta


Cristiana Caserta is a Book Advisor, a digital teacher, and a research and experimentation activist. As a digital humanities enthusiast, Cristiana tries to blend technology and innovation with her teaching practice.

Challenges Cristiana Caserta faced

Cristiana had trouble tracking the time spent on different phases of projects.

She used to keep track of her tasks in spreadsheets, which made it difficult for her to make accurate time estimates regarding her projects' completion.

Solutions Cristiana Caserta found with Clockify

After she switched from spreadsheets to Clockify, Cristiana noticed a great deal of changes in her workflow. Immediately after starting the timer, she’d now concentrate on one task at a time instead of allowing interruptions to take the best of her.

She also became able to make more accurate predictions regarding her projects’ time frames and costs, and bill her clients accordingly.

Who would Cristiana Caserta recommend Clockify to and why?

Cristiana recommends Clockify to everyone out there who wants to stay on top of their projects’ progress, regardless of whether they work in a team or complete most of their tasks individually.

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